This costume holds a special place in the creative heart. It is my first transition costume every made! I have always loved to make costumes but in 2012 in dawned on me that shocking the HELL out of people is what HALLOWEEN is all about! So I came up with this really creepy sculpt and latex mask of an ancient dusty mummy. His layers of dusty gauze were pieces of gauze fabric shredded and soaked in a bath tub with coffee grounds over night. I then took it outside for a roll in the mud and put a coat of baby powder on right before the costume contest! It was the perfect! When I slapped my arms dust (baby powder) flew into the air. The best part of the night was an attempt to be kicked out of a woman's restroom. I was instantly mistaken for a man in this scary mummy getup. I thought to myself, PERFECT!!! So I wore the stunning hand made eguptian costume underneath this mummy for hours! It is a ton of work to wear two costumes simultaneously but when it comes to reveal time it is amazing! So as I walk onto stage everyone is already gazing and pointing to how scary this mummy is! Then I flipped the mask off to reveal my gold dusted eygptian underneath. I thought people were going to loose their minds! As I shed the layers of gauze to reveal the sexy Egyptian underneath people just started cheering and looking at me like they had just witnessed shear MAGIC. It was a moment of a life time, let me tell you. Right then and there I KNEW, this was it! Since 2012 I have been producing some of the wildest transition costumes that anyone has every seen and have since been deemed the Queen of Halloween!